1 Homemade drinks, from infusions,
natural juice concentrates, juice, fruit
(peel) maceration in water.
2 Bulk drinks available in the vicinity
(organic if possible, but not necessa-
rily) and dispensers to avoid cans or
3 Implement a “Freshly made” water
system that is achieved with a re-
verse osmosis system that provides
immediate pleasant and sustainable
water served in reusable glass bottles.
4 Support change projects (local bulk
drinks, mushrooms grown on coffee
grounds, etc.).
5 Opt for drinks / soft drinks with an
added value of a social and / or envi-
ronmental project.
6 Coffee:
• Use coffee in bulk and traditional
coffee makers such as plunger or
strainer and serve in a thermos or
other reusable serving device.
• Opt for fair trade coffee and if pos-
sible organic.
• Avoid using coffee capsules as
they have a signicant environ-
mental impact. If unavoidable use
recyclable or biodegradable coffee
7 Infusions: we propose in order of
• Tea / herbs in bulk or grow and
collect your own natural plants.
• Locally and if possible organically
produced tea / infusions.
• Keep / serve the infusion in tradi-
tional teapots, making use of loose
leaf tea and reusable lters.
• If there is no other solution, use
a biodegradable teabag free from
plastic and staples.
8 Milk:
• Local preferably and organic if
• Offer alternative drinks or
plant-based “milk” such as oat
• Serve the milk in a jug or thermos.
1 Rent or nd reusable or recycled ma-
2 Avoid or reduce single-use packaging
/ tableware / cutlery / glasses.
3 Explore creative alternatives such as:
2nd life crockery, glasses made from
upcycled glass bottles, edible plates
made with food, etc.
4 Use your own reusable materials. If
this is not possible, try to use com-
postable or biodegradable crockery /
cutlery /napkins.
5 Use cloth tablecloths made of natural
fabrics such as cotton or linen.
6 Try to not use paper as a mat on ser-
ving trays, paper usage can be lowe-
7 If you have to use paper napkins,
use a dispenser that releases one at a
8 Avoid single-dose formats for items
such as condiments, serve bulk in
glass containers distributed across the
9 Make reusable or compostable con-
tainers / lunch boxes available to the
diner to take leftovers home.
10 Collect unused water from the bottles
or jars on the tables and use it
elsewhere (to mop the oor or water
plants or veg patch).
11 Eliminate or reduce plastic materials,
or at least be very conscious in how
to use this material responsible.
Introduce sustainable substitutes to
clinglm, aluminium foil, kitchen
paper and others.
12 Remove EPS foam (expanded polys-
tyrene) foam from the kitchen and
replace it with reusable boxes.
Lemon and mint water served at the EU REFRESH nal
conference. Photograph by: Sebastian Szulfer
Reusable food boxes, winner of the best lunch box context at the
Final Refresh Conference. Author: Sebastian Szulfer.